
Trainee Program

We offer a wide range of facilities and services so the student only has to focus on their dance training and personal growth. 

Terrassa is a city with great cultural traditions and a strong educational system. It’s also a university city, home to festivals with a long, historical tradition. 

The Catalunya Ballet Foundation and the Terrassa City Hall work together to ensure that our young people and all citizens can enjoy the best services, taking into account their well-being and promoting an optimum environment for art, culture and education, which are the basis of a productive society. We work to support the talent necessary to achieve excellence in all these areas. 






BNC offers an educational program through agreements with surrounding schools to provide a program adapted to the needs and responsibilities of students who are training to become professional dancers while at the same time receiving their compulsory education.

Combined in a practical and efficient manner, providing security and peace for both the student and the parents, it is an essential aspect of our program that has been designed for the long-term future of these young, aspiring dancers in mind.

Information and links to participating schools will be provided soon. BNC offers tutors who accompany the students throughout their educational stages since they are far from their families.

Advanced students will have classes that try to coincide with the school hours. Once they reach the higher levels, it becomes impossible to have a compatible schedule. For this reason, BNC is working on its own training program that will include high school level studies on campus in collaboration with a local school to provide these classes on-campus. Until this project is completed, we offer tutors and follow-up for those students who are taking long-distance courses to be compatible with their dance training. 


Student Residences – Apartments – Host Families  

BNC offers various options to welcome students who have moved to Terrassa to attend the training program. 

The rules and regulations to be followed by the students using this service are very strict with the purpose of safeguarding the students and the objectives of their training program. It is necessary because BNC assumes the responsibility of the education and safety of the students. These rules cover the following aspects:

Behavior rules for students living outside the environment of our centers:

  • Complying with established night schedules
  • Complying of the rules for weekend activities, whether previously established or modified and communicated to the student by the personnel who is responsible for the students. 
  • Attend social and leisure activities consistent with the activities and training received at the academy. 
  • Take care of one’s health as considered appropriate and monitored by our staff at all times.
  • Obey the assigned staff members at all times. 

Shared apartments 

BNC offers the older students the possibility of living in shared apartments with unbeatable economic conditions.

The company offers limited spots in shared apartments available to students who are 18 years and older, including a cleaning service. In the event that other services are required, an extra cost will be incurred. BNC has a staff that will be in charge of monitoring all students who reside in apartments in order to enforce the appropriate behavior, in accordance with the program and internal regulations.

Host Families 

This is the most recommended option for younger students. Our host families are chosen by strict criteria and great trust. We try to have host families who are near other students or families with children to assure the students quick and easy integration. The monitoring and communication is ongoing at all times with the host families and our professionals. 


Catalunya Ballet provides a wide range of services related to the safeguard and health of its students.

MEDICAL CERTIFICATE: From the moment the trainee is admitted to our center, a certificate from a licensed professional is necessary to show that a student is physically healthy and ready to participate in the program.

PRIVATE INSURANCE: BNC provides private medical insurance for all its trainees that includes access to specialists from all areas and can be used at any time.

BNC provides a list of professionals who are designated to ensure the physical, emotional and psychological health of all the students. These professionals may have monthly contact with all trainees enrolled in the program at no additional cost: Psychologist, Coach, Nutritionist and Physiotherapist

The professionals can reveal possible problems that are identified with changes in attitude or state of mind of the trainees and discuss with the parents/guardians/family the necessity to seek additional treatment.


Scholarships available on merit and family incomes.


Sometimes our trainees are called to participate in international competitions throughout the year, as we think that is good experience to be evaluated by top-level juries. It is also an opportunity to exhibit their work and artistry to a broader audience. Our teaching and artistic team already collaborate in world-class competitions, which undoubtedly means that our presence is essential in those competitions.


UNIFORMS (Only for Trainee I)

Mandatory uniform: leotards (girls) and tights, black tights and white t-shirt (boys). At the beginning of the course two units of each of these products are given to the Trainees I.


When performing with the company the costumes are provided by the company at no cost. When performing in competitions, special performances, or other any kind of event in which the main company doesn’t participate, the costumes can be rented if available or bought if necessary. Derived costs are payable by the trainee. 


Both groups, Trainee I and Trainee II, have to wear the pointe shoes brands approved by the company. Pointe shoes costs are payable by the trainee. Fitting Session will be scheduled in advance with specialists of different brands. Trainees are obliged to attend the fitting sessions. Major brands working with BNC are: Freed, Grishko, Gaynor Minden, Bloch.